Monday, March 31, 2008

Lola Celebrates her Birthday with family & friends

Meet the Lyman - Brown family

We went to meet the Lyman Brown family for the first time. What a joy it was, as if we'd know each other forever. I hope we get to see more of our family, it's so important, especially for my beloved Dana & Lola. Lola has so much to learn from her grandparents.

The above picture is 4 generations of my beloved wife's family.

Henry Moore at Kew Gardens

Bruce and Fif visit henry Moore at Kew Gardens

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Birthday Lola Antoinette

Our beloved Lola is the big 1 today. She is the joy in our hearts, the apple of our eyes, her growth has come so fast her character so strong.

An amazing life of excitement, joy, happiness and exploration lies ahead my child, you are beautiful, Happy Birthday Lola.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

The First day of Spring

Happy Easter to you all from the Rawstorne's. Picture by Grandma

Saturday, March 08, 2008

Lola pants first words

This morning as we lay in bed and awoke to the sound of the birds singing and the sun rising, young Lola prepared for her first real words. She looked at me and said "Hi Dad"...... that's my girl Lola

Saturday, March 01, 2008

Lola at 11 months

Where Lola gets a present from US Grandma, goes for bottle on a hot sunny day with mummy and you get to see our view every morning.

Skiing in Tahoe

Lola gets to see the snow and Dana & Sam get the day off to go Skiing thanks to grandma.